Fishing and Hunting Can Be Fun

by Chris Vegvary

I’ve been fishing a couple of times in my life, but I couldn’t really appreciate it at the time. You see, I was a kid at the time, and standing or sitting around in one spot for long periods of time while waiting for a something to bite (or get stuck on a boot or some other type of trash) didn’t exactly appeal to me at the time. Not to mention that we always threw back whatever we caught, which really wasn’t too much. Now that those days are over, however, I find myself wanting to go sit in a boat somewhere and fish over the side.

I’ve never cleaned and gutted, or in any way hurt a fish, really, but I’m totally willing to learn how, because I realize at this point in my life that having certain skills can prove beneficial in the event of an apocalyptic situation, or even just in everyday life. While I’ve fired guns and rifles before, I’ve never gone hunting for a deer or anything like that. Again, though, it’s something I would be willing to try, because it’s an important survival skill. Probably not something you think about too much when you’re a kid, but I think that the sooner you realize and come to appreciate activities like hunting and fishing, the better.

I wish that my childhood had consisted of some form of hunting where I would take down a deer, skin it and do all the good, horrifying stuff that you have to do in order to make it edible, and then serve up some venison for dinner. Also, it would be nice to catch a decently sized fish of some kind and fry it up to eat after properly removing all the nasty stuff and making it ready for human consumption. That, or stick it on a plaque, mount it above the fireplace, and watch it sing and dance when I tell it to. Can’t say I’d mind having a large deer head also mounted above the fireplace, looking off to the side slightly as if it heard something right before it got taken out.

I’m not a huge fan of venison or fish, but if a situation came along to force me into eating these things for survival, I could make do. What I wish I could do, however, is make my own barbecue sauce in the wild, because that’s what I need on my venison to make it less tough. Also, I require my fish to be seasoned and cooked to perfection, restaurant-style…but I can live with just normal, fully-cooked fish and barbecue sauce made out of deer or elk blood. I refuse to let this go down any other way.

For some of the best in hunting and fishing supplies out there, I invite you to take a look around at the merchandise geared towards those very things over at

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